Category Archive: Epistemology

Convention of States – We Will Persevere


Over the past 120 years, the officials in various branches of government have told us that the United States Constitution is a “living document”. The argument goes that the Colonial Americans could never… Continue reading

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The More Things Change … the more they stay the same


I was circling back on a few articles that I had filed away in my personal news archive, I use a product called Pocket, it is a great service. I recommend them. I… Continue reading

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Self-Interests of the State (Part Two)


A continuation of the first part of the discussion about the self-interests of the state. Focus in this part is around the idea that the state knows better than the people that elected… Continue reading

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Self-Interests of the State (Part One)


In an effort to reach more of an expanded audience, Civics Reaffirmed is introducing podcasting to the line up. This episode deals with the self-interests of the State and how Washington D.C. presents… Continue reading

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Give Me Security or Give Me Death


Human history is full of stories of people making remarkable choices that have altered the future course. In the realm of public affairs, the most basic choice – if you distill it down… Continue reading

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The “Sequest” – inator


In two short days the vitality and integrity of the United States Federal Government will be irreparable damaged – or so the propaganda campaign from the “respectable” media outlets are unifying saying. It… Continue reading

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Scientific Objectivity, Moral Depravity, & The Fiscal Cliff Farce


I have memories of purely academic economic courses where the study surrounded governing policies to understand the “market forces”, “the invisible hand” argument of Adam Smith, and yes even the “downward spiral” of… Continue reading

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The Post-Industrial America


The epoch election of my generation has passed.  I would be dishonest not to mention my overall disappointment with America’s electorate.  I very rarely become emotionally attached to one single event outside the life… Continue reading

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American Foreign Policy: Post Obama (Debate Prelude)


Monday evening, 22 October from 2000-2130 CST, will be the closing act in a series of theatrical performances most American’s refer to as debates. This performance will be hosted by CBS’s Bob Schieffer.… Continue reading

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Operation Prevent The Vote !!!


A broad brush pass over the news today would leave most cross-eyed and confused based on the numerous polls about who is in the lead where and in what small sect of the… Continue reading

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Storyteller in Chief (Part II of III)


The wake of the Arab riots in the Mid-East has caused more turbulence in the water than any President would like to see before an election.  These circumstances are unique in that the… Continue reading

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Race To The Regular: Education In America


What defines America? What makes her great? The buildings? The landscape? The weather? Certainly all of the above contribute to the magnificence of America. But above all – the greatest singular aspect that… Continue reading

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Hillsdale College: Constitution 201


One of the major sources of my enlightening has been the educational resources available at Hillsdale College.  Earlier this year they web-hosted a series of lectures titled: “Constitution 101:  The Meaning and History… Continue reading

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The complex world in which we live


It can easily be said that today is the day of greatest technology and tomorrow even greater.  Technology is rapidly increasing.  For instance, this week is a scheduled test of the X-51A Waverider… Continue reading

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Maturity: A Time Independent Frame Of Reference


As I watch the world around me I often ask myself a question; is what our country going through the worst altiore?  The next question I follow-up with is how would you go… Continue reading

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